Our director oversees every case.

Elizabeth Hynes, director, will put together the right team of people to help you at every stage of your journey, which may include other lawyers or law clerks. You’ll always receive the appropriate level of service without incurring unnecessary costs along the way.

The cost of a breakup.

Separation and divorce can be costly. At DCH Legal Group, we’ll clearly explain the costs involved at every stage so you always know where you stand.

We’ll work with you to find ways of doing the necessary work as cost-effectively as possible without cutting corners.

Collaborative practice.

Elizabeth Hynes is a trained collaborative practice lawyer. Collaborative practice is a dispute resolution process designed to help you to stay in control of your own decisions and out of court.

DCH Legal Group are experienced family lawyers who guide clients through legal challenges that arise from separation. We know right and do right, to achieve positive outcomes for our clients.

Contact Us

1/12 Parliament Place, West Perth, 6005

PO Box 1416, West Perth, 6872

P: 08 9382 8488

E: dch@dch.com.au